

We are sad to report that, after some months of indifferent health, Sheena Young (nee Keith), who, with husband Mike, was one of the co-authors of this site, succumbed to pneumonia and died peacefully, with her four children at her bedside, early on Thursday 19 March.  She would have been 90 on April 8.

The close family, with the Minister, gathered at West Herts Crematorium on April 2, with at least a hundred relatives and friends joining in online, to celebrate her life, her achievements and her character.  Truly a lot to be joyful about.

We would like everyone to have the chance to read her life story and to have the opportunity to watch a video of the funeral.  This website is, of course, open to the world, so if you want to mention Sheena to others in your circle, please feel free.

The Eulogy

The Order of Service

Video of the Service

Charity Donations

You may like to know that we will be making a donation to the local Citizens Advice branch, who are much in need at the present time.  Also to the RSPB, reflecting Sheena’s interest in wildlife preservation.

If you wished to do something along the same lines, in Sheena’s honour, we would be very pleased.”


Alphabet – A poem from Nicholas

Alibabas exist and arguments; also Anna, Alex
Broken swings; bubble baths exist. Bushey
Conkers and needles; Catherine, CAB, cruises. Church exists
Dad exists; Dunbottle Close. Dead Sea. Dogs
Eileen, Edinburgh. Email exists. Ellie, Easter
Family exists in family trees
Gardens, growing, green hills exist
Humbleton Hill; Harriet, Howarth, healing; haggis. Heather exists
Irritations, individuals exist. Izzy
Judith, Jennifer; jigsaws exist; Janet, Janet
Kayaks exist; Keith
Lavender exists; lateness, love
Newsletters exist; Nicholas. Pneumonia. Newcastle
Overcooked vegetables
Poems exist; Philip, prayers, Peter, purple, photography
Questions, quarrels, quizzes. Qualifications exist
Rose bushes exist; roast dinner, Richard, rambles
Scotland exists; Susan; squabbles and scrabble, sleepwalking
Tartan exists; travels, trees; thanks
Universities exist; eulogy
Vacuuming exists and variety; vegetarians. Vancouver
Wellington; worries; walking exists
X-ray radiographer
Young, Youngs exist
Zoo visits; zodiacs exist
